During a recent interview, creative director John Garvin has provided an interesting statement about the state of the work on Bend Studio’s Days Gone, explaining that a release date might be coming soon.

The game has been recently been delayed to early 2019 but we don’t have a concrete release date yet. It’s been implied that it should be out by the first three to five months of next year, though, so we wouldn’t be holding our breath for a date to come at E3.

“I think they’ve announced that it is shipping in 2019. We’ll have an announced date before long,” Garvin said, before further explaining what is the state of the work right now at Sony’s first party studio.

“Right now we’re just tuning. Tuning and polishing. The open world team is working hard to get the number of ambient events dialed in. The mission designers are busy polishing every part of the game. We have engineers polishing the animation. We have the audio team going through and polishing up all of the sound effects. Every part of the game is being polished. It’s 100 percent playable, like I said. I’ve beaten it. We feel pretty good about where we’re at, because now we can really pay attention to making it more fun and looking as good as we possibly can.”

So, this is what is happening right now. The impression is that the game could’ve been dropped in 2018 but Sony preferred to give the developer more time to polish it, and from the looks of it, this seems to be the right call.

We’ll see whether more information comes at E3 2018, even though Sony has already made it clear that it’ll focus on Death Stranding, The Last of Us Part II, Spider-Man and Ghost of Tsushima.