Catching up on the previous battle pass challenge weeks, here’s our guide for week 2 of season 3’s battle pass!
Use a Launchpad
Well this is easy and fun! However, the most difficult part will be actually finding a launchpad, so be on the look out for any purple glowing items. Remember, if you’ve looted a bunch of people to check your traps area because you might have grabbed one of these without knowing it!
Deal damage with Assault Rifles to opponents
Should be pretty easy, assault rifles are one of the most common weapons. If you want to understand them a bit better, check out our Assault Rifles Tips Guide!
Search Chests in Wailing Woods
This was a pain when it first came out because while it looks like there’s a lot of chests, they don’t always spawn 100% of the time. People would focus on the middle area, and you would get battles just to open chests and you’d be in a terrible spot to continue on in the game.
Dance in different forbidden locations
You just need to dance in five of these locations. You are looking for a sign that has a circle and slash through a person dancing. Just use one of your dance emotes near that sign and you will get credit for it!
Search between a Pool, Windmill, and an Umbrella (HARD)
You will find this location to the west of Anarchy Acres. There’s a little plateau area that you run on and the treasure will present itself to you!
SMG Eliminations (HARD)
SMGs can be a bit hit or miss, so this one can be a bit annoying at times. Try to always opt for the tactical version of the smg, it shoots ways faster and does more damage. The purple version is actually quite good, and a lot of good players will use it has a third option to switch to after shotgunning someone.
Eliminate opponents in Greasy Grove (HARD)
Greasy isn’t that bad of a landing spot, so you can find some good loot and get in a few fights and you should be set for the match!