Intimidate, Manipulate, Betray, or Befriend in Silicon Dreams

Rogue androids are on the loose. As an interrogative-programmed automaton yourself, you soon begin to discover the blurred lines of corporate supremacy and revolution. But the outcomes in Silicon Dreams all depend on who you will decommission or rescue. From duo developer, Clockwork Bird comes forth a cyberpunk thriller that is now available for the PC, Mac, and Linux via Steam.

The odds can be in or against your favor when it comes to interrogating suspects. With full control on how to navigate the narration, you can utilize information in the respected path you see before you. In other words, you decide what data to give and when; you can draw conclusions from monitoring the androids’ emotions and actions; and you’re able to extract their hidden enigmas to unfold.

But as the story progresses, the overshadowing oppression from the corporate big boys starts to weigh heavily. There’s a certain sympathy for the individuals you come into contact with. Only your finals words can the ending dictate the consequences for everyone around you. So, will you condemn the androids to save yourself within the corporation or aid them by deceiving those who feed you? You are one of them, after all.

Launch Trailer and Steam Discount

In celebration of the game’s release today, Clockwork Bird unveiled a launch trailer that perfectly encapsulates the Silicon Dreams experience in under two minutes: kickin’ outrun music, snippets of sinister interrogations, Blade Runner vibes, and a cyberpunk noir atmosphere. You can download your copy now on the game’s Steam page. A special launch discount is retailing the game for only $13.49 (10% from the original $14.99). This offer will end on April 27. Silicon Dreams can only be obtained through the Steam store, and it’s available for the PC, Mac, and Linux.

Silicon Dreams | Cyberpunk Interrogation – Launch trailer – YouTube

Clockwork Bird was assembled by best friends James Patton and Daniel Adams, two self-proclaimed “oddball indies” who specialize in narrative games. Their previous titles include Spinnortality (which is also having a special discount on Steam until the 27 as well) and The Embers of the Stars.