Cyberpunk 2077 is shaping up to be the most-anticipated game for next-gen. While what we’ve seen of the game is appealing, visuals are all we’ve seen. Some of the game’s delays have been related to development issues. CD Projekt Red makes sure to provide updates during the course of development. But potential consumers are now making their gripes known. How they convey their feelings is another story entirely.

Cyberpunk Dev Death Threats

When a highly-anticipated game meets delays, it shouldn’t come as a surprise. Developers want to ensure that what they release has as few bugs as possible. Cyberpunk 2077 has met several delays and most recently they pushed things back another month.

CD Projekt Red explained the reason for the delay in a Twitter post on October 27th:

We have important news to share with you

— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) October 27, 2020

It’s explained that during the course of development, Cyberpunk 2077 evolved to make it to next-gen. Delaying the release of their title was necessary. For each platform to have the same quality, CD Projekt Red wanted to look things over and ensure everything was ironed out. Working from home during the pandemic likely contributed a great deal to the month-long delay. While doing their best to ensure consumers stayed informed, a few people were having none of it.

This is one of the mildest messages some of us got. There were far, FAR worse. Every single one is being reported. We will not let it go through. Do not treat it lightly. Do not ignore it. It is serious. That said, I’m off TT for couple of days. Take care.#Cyberpunk2077

— Andrzej Zawadzki (@ZawAndy) October 28, 2020

It’s understandable to be upset about the delay of a game that’s been pre-ordered. But there are more mature ways to handle things. Zawadzki shared his feelings on the threats the Cyberpunk 2077 has been receiving:

I want to address one thing in regards of the @CyberpunkGame delay. I understand you’re feeling angry, disappointed and want to voice your opinion about it.However, sending death threats to the developers is absolutely unacceptable and just wrong. We are people, just like you.

— Andrzej Zawadzki (@ZawAndy) October 27, 2020