Less than 24 hours into its launch on PC, Cyberpunk 2077 has already eclipsed the one million mark for concurrent usage by Steam users. This number blows away the previous launch record, held by Fallout 4, which saw 472,962 players when it first released in 2015.

Steam users were so excited to play Cyberpunk 2077 that they, for a time, temporarily broke downloads of the game. The phrase “58.7 GB” was trending worldwide on Twitter, reflecting the point where the download seemed to have stopped progress for many potential players.

Along with Steam players, the game attracted another 1 million viewers who tuned in to watch streamers take their first journeys into Night City. Cyberpunk 2077 still has a long way to go before matching PUBG’s record for concurrent Steam users, which stands at 3.3 million people during January 2018.