Throughout Cyberpunk 2077, the player can find several unique weapons called Iconics. These weapons are a unique type of weapon in the game that can have their rarity upgraded through the crafting menu. Ironics also scale to the player’s level and have unique status and modifications. The Ai talking gun called Skippy is an Iconic smart weapon that fits this description and can only be found in one location. That said, keep reading to find out where to find Skippy in Cyberpunk 2077

Where to find Skippy (the Iconic talking gun) in Cyberpunk 2077

To find the Skippy Iconic weapon in Cyberpunk 2077, you will need to go to the location listed above near the college street fast travel station in Vista Del Ray. At this location, you will need to follow the quest marker to locate an alleyway and a dead NPC with a briefcase; Inside the case, you will find Skippy.

Once at the location, you will need to look for an alleyway like the one shown above; note that both entrances are walled off with one opening on each side. To get inside the alleyway, you will need to jump on a box on the far left side; when you are past the walled-off area, keep going forward and towards the quest marker.

When you reach the quest marker, turn around, and you should see a dead NPC with a briefcase next to him, as shown above. Pick the weapon up, and Skippy will start talking to you, and after a bit of dialogue, you will be given the following choices of targeting mode for Skippy.

  • Puppy Loving Pacifist mode - This targeting mode will make Skippy aim for only limbs making it the non-lethal option. Stone Cold Killer mode - In this mode, skippy will aim only for lethal headshots.

You can choose whatever mode suits your play style but be warned that after 60 kills, Skippy will permanently switch to the opposite targeting mode. So if you plan on using Skippy for a while, we suggest picking the opposite mode of the one you want.

However, after 60 kills and the reset, Skippy will ask you to return them to Regina Jones, their original owner; this will also start the quest “The Machine.” This part is entirely optional, but if you choose to ignore the iconic gun’s wishes, it will continuously ridicule you. If you decide to take the weapon back to Regina, she will reset Skippy and rename it Daisy and offer you a reward of either keeping the firearm or a payout of 7k eddies.  If you need any more help getting skippy, check out this awesome video guide below.

For more on Cyberpunk, PGG has you covered. Come on down today for guides on nearly everything in the game and more on the way. To start you off, we recommend checking out both the how to farm money and how to level up guides.