In the latest September ‘Night City Wire’ episode, CD Projekt RED showed us a bit more details regarding Cyberpunk 2077 gangs. In total, there will be nine different factions roaming about the world of Cyberpunk 2077. Each with their own unique characteristics and rivalries. CD Projekt has confirmed that V won’t be able to join any of them but you’ll definitely rub shoulders, either as an ally or adversary. Thus knowing their game by learning how and where they operate can help you survive in Night City and the surrounding Badlands. Let’s take a quick look at nine of those gangs.

Is Maelstrom The Toughest Cyberpunk 2077 Gang?

Maelstrom are obsessed with cybertechnology, always seeking to rise above the weakness of human flesh. Transforming their bodies into mechanical monstrosities. These psychos are known for their bizarre and brutal assassination jobs. Many of Maelstrom’s victims are found dismembered, skinned alive, or found in wet concrete. Although engrossed in pain and anarchy, the group can also coordinate and execute extremely well-planned heists on guarded corporate transports when they need to. This Cyberpunk 2077 gang was shown as one of V’s enemies in the 2018’s gameplay demo video.


One of Night City’s largest gangs, the Valentinos treat values such as honor, justice, and brotherhood with deadly seriousness. Loyalty to the gang is rewarded handsomely and Valentinos who die fighting for their cause are often remembered as martyrs, making police and corporate infiltrations almost impossible. On the other hand, betrayal is seen as the most heinous crime someone can commit and is usually punished with a gruesome death. Valentinos operates in Heywood, Fixer Padre’s territory and the neighborhood your Street Kid V grew up in.

6th Street

A neo-Conservative group founded by war veterans fifty years before the events of Cyberpunk 2077. Tired of the local gangs and the helplessness of the Night City Police Department, they decided to take matters into their own hands. Most of its members are retired military, discharged corporate security officers, or civilians who received military training. They intend to “bring justice to the city,” but what they call as “justice” is often questionable and self-serving. 6th Street operates in Santo Domingo and often clashes head with their neighbor, Valentinos.

Voodoo Boys

Enigmatic ‘netrunners‘ who love to break every rule there is to break and programming highly dangerous viruses. This Cyberpunk 2077 gang is often involved in corporations databank and account hacks, as mercenary hackers for private contractors, or ‘Old Net’ explorations. They have formed a rivalry with a boostergang known as the Animals.


A group of aggressive street-fighting ‘boostergang‘ hailing from the Pacifica district. They avoid traditional cyberware, enhancing themselves with ultratestosterone, animal supplements including horse growth hormones, and a steroid-like drug known as ‘the Juice’ to emphasize physical power above all else. On their own turf, Animals are divided into small packs led by the biggest and strongest alpha male/female where disputes are often solved with combat. In the game, you’ll be able to help the Voodoo Boys infiltrate their hideout and fight one of their member, Sasquatch.

Tyger Claws are a Formidable Cyberpunk 2077 Gang

A cyberpunk game isn’t complete without an Asian-inspired gang. And in Cyberpunk 2077, it’s the Tyger Claws. The members of this futuristic yakuza gang often hide their body augmentations as tattoos. Although Claws’ top brass believes business is preferable to war, many of the rank-and-file gangers undermine that ideology by abusing their status, harassing people, and provoking fights. Japantown district is Tygers’ main income where they own more businesses in Night City than any other gang; bars, restaurants, braindance clubs, brothels, and casinos. The Arasaka corporation often outsources them for side-jobs and pay them with military-grade weapons and cybertechnology.


The Moxes are small, non-territorial gang that consists of “freakshows”; call girls, punks, and sexual minorities. They do not control any parts of Night City, instead putting all of their efforts on protecting their facilities and members. Moxes can independently operate thanks to income from Lizzie’s Bar, an exclusive braindance club named from a good-hearted strip club owner Elizabeth “Lizzie” Borden who was killed by members of Tyger Claws. For that, they have tense relations with the Japanese gang.


One of the two most prominent Badlands-dwelling Nomads. This lawless bandit travels mostly at night and preys on the unwary, raiding small villages, other Nomads, and weakly guarded transports all over the areas surrounding Night City.

Cyberpunk 2077 Gang: Aldecaldos