Well, you succeeded. You have reached Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course’s last boss battle. However, in a dramatic twist, Chef Saltbaker, our best buddy, has abandoned us. And in retaliation for his treachery, he will throw everything at us. What are we supposed to do? So, fasten your seatbelt, and get ready to avoid limes, peppercorns, and oh-so-much salt. Here is how to defeat Chef Saltbaker in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course!

Defeating Chef Saltbaker in Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course

Phase 1

Cuphead’s Chef Saltbaker’s initial form is by far the most challenging to defeat. The sheer volume of missiles he fires simultaneously makes him so devastating. You should have a weapon loaded that will enable you to focus almost exclusively on evading projectiles.

The important projectile to concentrate on is the slow-moving flame, which at first glance appears harmless. It will continue to appear at the top of the screen. This flame will undoubtedly block your way and destroy your day if you go near it. So watch it and stay away from it at all times.

The animal crackers and sugar cubes are not a huge concern. You will maneuver around them. Parry the pink cubes and make an effort to crush the animal crackers. On the diagonal, the strawberries will fall, making it simple to avoid them if you are at the other end of the screen. The lime wedges will come and go like a boomerang. Although none of these missiles pose a danger on their own, you may occasionally have to deal with three at once, which is a lot.

Another thing to keep in mind is that, unless you are an expert with Supers, there isn’t a decent area to land strikes in this encounter. Therefore, you might wish to rely more on your EX strikes. For this duel, gamers should favor the Crackshot’s EX attack.

Phase 2

The wayward flame, which is now on the floor instead of the ceiling, the occasional garnish rain, and four pepper shakers that shoot peppercorns will all be present in Chef Saltbaker’s second phase. Instead of shooting the Chef directly, you will be shooting the pepper shakers, which, after a certain number of hits, will launch themselves into the baker.

You should switch to the charge shot for this phase. There is no actual aiming to be done because pepper shakers are to your left and your right. Also, the pepper shaker will shoot straight at Chef Saltbaker after two shots, one fully charged and the other uncharged.

As a result, you will charge your first shot, fire it towards the pepper shaker to your right, and then fire an uncharged shot directly after. You will then pivot and dodge the flame as it leaps in your direction while charging your second shot. Release it after it is completely charged, then fire another fast shot. Once more, dash for the pepper shaker on your right while evading the blaze. Right to left, back and forth, until you have completed this phase.

Although you will also have to avoid peppercorns and garnish’s dropping leaves, if you follow the plan, this phase will go by rather quickly. We caution you against going for those pink peppercorns too ferociously. Go for the parry if they are just within reach. If not, let the peppercorn pass you. Being stuck in the parry hop isn’t ideal because the stage is full of obstacles.

Phase 3

This phase is relatively easy. Cuphead’s Chef Saltbaker will manifest as a salt statue at the start of the stage. Then he’ll tumble down on top of you. Just keep going in the same direction when the statue leaves the backdrop at the start.

When the statue finally falls, ensure you are entirely out of the way. The boss will continue to bounce around the arena after this point. Shoot him while slipping under him. Cuphead’s Chief Saltbaker can be defeated with just three fully charged rounds.

Phase 4

This phase is also relatively straightforward. All you have to do is ascend while shooting. Change to your Crackshot or Chaser. As you fire at the heart, continue to rise. In a pinch, or to help you make a more challenging jump, you may also parry it. You will be alright if you pay attention to the platforming. After that, you would have defeated Cuphead’s Chief Saltbaker.

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course – How to Defeat Jimmi the Great

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.