Crusader Kings 3 is the newest entry in the critically acclaimed Crusader Kings series and with this latest entry players can choose from a wide selection of pre-made characters to play as. However, these characters have random generated skills, traits, and perks, so some players are wondering if they can create their own characters, so they can customize all of the above as they wish. With that said, let’s take a look and see if CK3 has a Ruler Designer feature.

Is there a Ruler Designer Feature In Crusader Kings 3?

In short, the answer is no, Crusader Kings 3 doesn’t have a ruler designer feature in the game yet but the feature will be added on as a free DLC for the game. This was confirmed by the official twitter account for the CK3 in a tweet that you can see below.

Our livestream just revealed that there will be a Ruler Designer feature for Crusader Kings 3 in a future Free Update.Tune in to see the rest of our stream here:

— Crusader Kings III (@CrusaderKings) August 5, 2020

Although the game doesn’t currently have a ruler designer feature implemented yet, you can still edit the appearance of your pre-made characters viva the barbershop in-game. To do this right click your character’s portrait and find the shears icon right next to the pin on the far right of the on the menu.  Once you find the icon click it and then another menu will pop up and in it you can customize the following on your character listed below.

  • Haircut
  • Facial Hair
  • Hair Color
  • Clothing
  • Cloak (If you have a King title or above)

Our Other Crusader Kings 3 guides

  • Crusader Kings 3 Guide – How To Protect Against Schemes
  • Crusader Kings 3 Guide – How To Raid

However, if this little feature is not enough for you or can’t wait for the Free Ruler Designer DLC, there luckily a way to get a Ruler designer feature in the game now via mods. One mod, in particular, is probably your best bet to get all of the functions one would desire from a Ruler Designer feature in the game and this mod is made by a fellow by the name of SarcFa.

In his mod, via an event chain, it will allow you to customize everything from race, skills, traits, sexuality, and more by creating a custom character and assigning them as your designated heir in the game. Once you create your custom character using his mod and clicked through all of the event chains, it will then kill off your current ruler allowing you to effectively start the game as your new custom lord. If this sounds like your kind of mod you can find SarcFa over at it’s Steam workshop page make sure to like it while over their too.