Many Apex Legends players will bicker back and forth about whether Crafting Materials are worth going after and collecting, whether in Battle Royale or Arenas. However, in a pinch, players had found a whole new use for the canisters: cover. Whether dodging from enemy fire or using it to peek out from behind and get your own shots, the canisters themselves, in some cases, became more important than the materials within them.

That said, with the changes coming to Apex Legends in Season 11: Escape, the canisters are getting a nerf. Hidden way down at the bottom of the patch notes for the season, under bug fixes, is the reveal that the hitboxes for the Crafting Material Canisters are being reduced. This is so that the hitbox better fits the shape of the canister itself but will also make the canisters more difficult to hide behind.

The good news is, on the shooting side of things, the likelihood of you thinking you are shooting around the canister, but are actually shooting at it, will go down. All and all, the change is bittersweet for players who liked that extra bit of cover, but the new hitbox does better match the entity.

For more Apex Legends content, check out Arenas map rotation will no longer include Points of Interest from Battle Royale maps on Pro Game Guides.