It is official, Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop has finally released an official trailer. The series is a live-action adaptation of the popular anime and has been one of the most anticipated releases for fans. The original show followed a group of space travelers, led by bounty hunter Spike. Along the way, the group meets more of their crew while Spike faces the demons from his past.

Although Spike is meant to be in his twenties in the show, Spike will be played by John Cho. Even though this has been met with some hesitation by fans, John Cho’s acting ability will speak for itself. In the first season, Spike will interact with well-known characters Jet and Faye.

There is no information on when Ed will appear, but the show is happy to report what it is like working with the real dog cast as beloved Corgi, Ein. The trailer is exciting news as it has been a long wait for the show to air. Filming was initially delayed after John Cho was injured while on set. But now fans can rejoice that the trailer is finally here.

Cowboy Bebop Trailer

This is the first footage of Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop fans have received since recent set photos. Already, it seems as though the show is attempting to stay true to its roots. A recent drop of the Cowboy Bebop title sequence is almost an exact recreation of the original sequence from the show. Cowboy Bebop is known for its jazz-inspired themes and noir aesthetic. The trailer shows that is not a fluke.

The opening of the trailer shows amazing visuals of space. Spike appears shrouded in mystery as he drinks from a glass and the famous theme song kicks in. The trailer demonstrates Spike and Jet meeting Faye and the crew getting into their typical shenanigans. Some shots of the trailer are a direct recreation of the anime. Other depictions have taken liberties. Even so, the trailer seems to be a close adaptation. The first season of Cowboy Bebop will have ten episodes and air on November 19.