Should you get the Battle Pass offered for the BTS collaboration? Find out here!

While players are looking to keep themselves busy in Cookie Run Kingdom, you’ll find that the BTS Collaboration may offer some extra missions that you were unaware of. Being able to work towards your favorite members of the BTS Crew is quite fun, especially with the introduction of the new rhythm game that players can partake in.

However, if you find that Cookie Run Kingdom is a game that you casually visit, is this pack worth your money? While we may have had mixed feelings about the Costume Pack available in this title, other packs have faired much better in regards to what they offer for the money. Is this pack dynamite, or is it a dud?

The purpose of this pack seems to be aimed at those that enjoy the game and play it often, whereas casual players may not get as much out of it. You’ll be granted, essentially, a battle pass with rewards to earn and missions to accomplish. Featuring daily missions that refresh, players will earn tokens that will fill up their passes to claim special items. However, those that purchase the Purple Pass will receive better items than players that are partaking in the event for free.

Much like other titles that offer a battle pass, free players will be able to partake in the fun of this event but will earn fairly generic rewards. Those that purchase the pass will get exclusive items that free players can not obtain, making it more enticing to join in on the fun. But, is the $11.99 worth it, even for the most diehard of fans?

It depends. If players are trying to get their hands on exclusive items, then this should be purchased and worked through as quickly as possible. On the other hand, if you are not on the game very often, or don’t think that the items offered are of high enough quality, then you can leave this one on the rack. It depends more on the player’s playstyle than anything, and if they will be jumping into these missions without a second glance. Some are quite easy, whereas other missions may require a fair amount of time invested. It’s about 50/50 on this one, as it may be the best pack to purchase for some, and others may find it to be a waste of money if they can’t devote the time.

Cookie Run Kingdom is available now on Mobile Devices.

  • This article was updated on November 3rd, 2022

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Cookie Run Kingdom: Is The BTS Purple Pass Worth It?

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