The end of Mass Effect 3 is also the end of Commander Shepard, or so fans thought. While Mass Effect: Andromeda didn’t include the central character, it seemed like the commander would be returning for future games in the series. BioWare has since debunked the rumor with a cut-and-dry clarification.

A lithographic print of key art from 2021’s N7 Day had an eye-catching description. “While Shepard and the survivors are left to pick up the pieces, fans are left wondering what’s next,” it read. Shepard’s name was later edited out of the blurb, leading fans to believe that the name unintentionally spoiled the character’s inclusion in the next game. However, it was a simple error on BioWare’s part.

Project director Michael Gamble said as much on Twitter when fans began questioning things. “Yeah, that was a mistake,” the tweet reads. “Fixed.” Gamble’s response is to-the-point, and fans should infer from it that Shepard’s arc is indeed wrapped with the original trilogy (which is available through the Legendary Edition on Game Pass for folks who want to give it a go).

That said, there is plenty of room for speculation around other Mass Effect paraphernalia. In fact, the very print that caused this whole kerfuffle was specifically created for fans to go over with a fine-tooth comb. The N7 Day artwork teases Geth, a new ship, and more. Blog posts from BioWare have stated that there are several clues in the piece, leading to tons of fan perusal and speculation.

What we know for sure is that the next Mass Effect game has gone into early development. That was confirmed in an additional blog post just a few months ago. That’s not surprising, as BioWare general manager Gary McKay promised an “amazing future” for Mass Effect and Dragon Age at the beginning of the year.