The always stunning Cindy Crawford knows she’s aged, but you can’t tell by looking at her. Truth is, if you didn’t know her age, there is little chance you would guess right just by gazing at her. Although she looks the exact same as she did in the 90s, the supermodel is actually 56 years old now. Of course, nothing about her physical appearance begets that age. But from still modeling to hosting shows and having her own beauty line, she doesn’t rely on just her good looks, although honestly, they don’t hurt.

It’s also incredibly humble of her to share her age with her fans. Some women shy away from aging. Heck, most humans shy away from aging. But when you are aging as gracefully as she is (seemingly in reverse like Benjamin Button), it’s almost irrelevant.

Cindy Crawford Knows She’s Aged, But Still Turns Heads

Via Yahoo:

A post shared by Cindy Crawford (@cindycrawford)

“That’s why, Crawford explained, she has made sincere efforts with her skin care line, Meaningful Beauty, to empower other women to “embrace” all stages of their lives. That includes the “raw and the ugly, too,” she says, “because it’s real.” “I’m not 25, so why should I be trying to look 25?” she said. “Why do I want someone to mistake me for a 25-year-old? I’ve had children. I have all this life experience.” Over the course of her decades-long career, Crawford says the idea of aging has loomed over her.

“When I started modeling, I said, ‘What am I going to do after I turn 25?’ There wasn’t someone who had a career like me before that I could follow or look up to,” she recalled. “And then, all of a sudden, I was still modeling at 26, 27, 30, 35, 40, and now, 56. There was no way I thought I would still be ‘modeling’ to this day.”

The always stunning Cindy Crawford knows she’s aged, but you can’t tell by looking at her. Reality is, she lived her life carefully and made good choices regarding her health. Her supermodel daughter Kaia is now carrying the mantle her Mother once held. Who are we kidding, her Mom still holds it.

She looks like she is carved out of marble, and marble doesn’t age.