Google is working to make Chrome OS a legit gaming platform for users (and especially students) to enjoy high-end games on their Chromebooks. Earlier this year, we saw the tech giant enable support for full-fledged RGB backlighting for keyboards on Chrome OS. And recently, the company announced Steam for Chrome OS. Now, Google has enabled support for variable refresh rate (VRR) displays for Chromebooks to allow users to experience an improved gaming experience on supported devices.

The feature was recently spotted by About Chromebooks and is currently rolling out to Chrome OS 101 Dev Channel. So, if you want to try out the feature, you will need to be on the Chrome OS Dev Channel and enable the flag – chrome://flags#enable-variable-refresh-rate.

VRR displays allow for a smooth viewing as well as a smooth gaming experience, dismissing screen issues like screen tearing (the situation when visuals of multiple frames show up on one), shuttering, and more. But, it is worth mentioning that support for variable refresh rates would not improve any content viewing experience on existing Chromebooks. However, newer models with VRR displays could deliver an improved display performance.