Chris Evans, who played Captain America in around 20 Marvel films, has said that he doesn’t want to return to the role.

On the Graham Norton Show, Chris Evans expressed his reluctance to play Captain America again, citing Cap’s arch as the primary reason. “I think Cap had such a tricky act to stick the landing, and I think they did a really nice job letting him complete his journey,” Evans explained.

For those of you who don’t remember, Captain America’s journey came to an end in Avengers: Endgame. Using time travel, Steve Rogers travels back in time to live his life with Peggy Carter. Let’s also just ignore the fact that this means that Steve Rogers totally kissed his own great-niece.

Regardless, it was a sweet send-off, even in the face of confusing timelines and borderline incestuous implications. “It was a great run and we went out on such a high note that it would be risky to revisit it in my opinion,” Evans said. “It was such a good experience and I think it’s better left that way.”

Evans isn’t completely rejecting the possibility of reprising his role as Captain America, though. “It’s not a hard no, but it’s not an eager yes either,” Evans explained.

He continued, “If you’re going to revisit it, it can’t be a cash grab. It can’t be just because the audience wants to be excited. What are we revealing? What are we adding to the story? A lot of things would have to come together.”

This is a fair point. Yanking Captain America from his life with Peggy Carter would be difficult to justify and pull off, especially with time travel being involved. Besides, Cap worked hard. He deserves to rest, right? So, at the moment, Chris Evans is thinking his time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has come to an end.

Well, to get our Marvel fix, we are just going to have to wait for the release of Black Widow on November 6. Some heroes aren’t so lucky as to even get a delayed release date.