While there are numerous kinds of drones in the market, be it expensive ones like the Sony Airspeak S1 or Snap’s recently-unveiled casual Pixy Camera Drone, they all have the same capability of flying in the air. However, researchers have developed a one-of-a-kind drone that can fly and also swim underwater! Surprised? Check out the details below to know more about this interesting drone.

Researchers at China’s Beihang University recently developed a unique drone that can not only fly but also swim in shallow waters. There is also a specially-designed suction cup on it that enables it to attach itself to any object or living thing in the air as well as underwater.

Now, coming to its suction capabilities, the researchers say that they took inspiration from the remora fish, also known as the suckerfish. These fishes, for those unaware, have a unique, natural suction-fin on their heads, using which they can attach themselves to bigger fishes to travel large distances underwater.