As we are gradually moving towards a future that we see in sci-fi movies, we are seeing more and more companies invest in flying cars. We have seen major companies like Volvo, Uber, and Rolls Royce working on flying cars since way back. However, one company named Klein Vision has been working to develop a flying car for almost 30 years. Now, they finally made a transforming flying car that recently took its inaugural flight.

The company unveiled the final iteration of the AirCar back in 2019, according to a report by Auto Evolution. However, the flying convertible completed its first flight just recently. You can check out the official video from Klein Vision right below.

Now, as you can see, the AirCar looks super-cool, and the transformation from a land-treading vehicle to an air-tearing automobile looks straight outta 2077. The company says that the car takes only three minutes to turn from a car to an air-car.

However, unlike most flying vehicles, Klein Vision’s model does not rely on “Vertical Take-Off and Landing” (VTOL) and needs quite a long stretch of road to take its flight.