Artificial humans. Sounds like something you would only hear in sci-fi movies, right? Well, not anymore. Samsung is working towards the development of artificial humans with the much-talked-about Project Neon. The company today put an end to the mystery and took center stage at CES 2020 in Las Vegas to explain what Neon exactly is.

Each Neon (it’s weird to club these artificial human beings and call them by that name but I’m going to refer to them as Neons going forward) is powered by Star Labs’ proprietary technology platform – CORE R3, where R3 stands for Reality, Realtime and Responsive. Core R3 is complemented by SPECTRA to make the Neons full-aware and immersive. It is the soup that brings intelligence, memory, and emotion into the mix.

Core R3 is described as a leapfrogging technology in the domains of Behavioral Neural Networks, Evolutionary Generative Intelligence, and Computational Reality. It’s this tech that makes it possible for Neons to react and respond to any command in real-time, with minimal delay of only a few milliseconds. Core R3 can eventually connect to value-added and domain-specific services to provide virtual companions in almost every field.

Samsung is currently showcasing some scenarios where its Neons could one day come in handy, including being a yoga instructor, a banker, a K-pop star, a news anchor, a fashion model, and many more at its CES booth in Las Vegas. We will attempt to meet the Neons (especially the 100% realistic life-size renders on a large display) to talk to them and see whether they can really respond like humans in real-time.