For years, the Twitter timeline of thousands of gamers have been made much more amusing thanks to the comedy of CEO Kaz Hirai…not the actual CEO of the Sony Corporation, but, as his bio says, the “CEO and Saviour of SONY. Ridge Racer Brand Ambassador. PARODY ACCOUNT.” The comedic account has posted a message overnight that announced his retiring from the social network at some point after E3 2018. The reasons mentioned are varied, but they can be summarized in a mix of fatigue and an understandable desire to move on to different things.

Although sad, the good side of making an announcement this early is that the handler of the account will be able to give it the grand finale it deserves, as in the more than six years that it has been active, the account has gained over 100.000 followers including legendary producer Shuei Yoshida, and it has been referenced even by the real Sony in their press conferences. The secret of its success? The undeniable comedy skills especially when it came to reference the company’s own issues.

While we have one year to say goodbye to such a beloved digital figure, we wanted to remember its genius with some of his best tweets of the past years.

On Sony:

On Microsoft:

  • “My total pay doubled to $10 million last year, meaning I am now in the target audience for the Xbox One X”
  • “This conference has been so long that Microsoft has announced a new console and another new console to replace that new console”
  • “I hope Microsoft dosen’t waste Mojang’s talent, or ruin what makes them special. It can happen, but it’s pretty Rare.”
  • “RUMOR: XBOX ONE will not function if the Kinect camera cannot see Doritos and Dew in the room”

On Nintendo:

  • “Nintendo sold more units of Zelda for Switch than Switch itself, which I think means some people enjoyed the taste of the cartridge too much”
  • “Finding out Nintendo managed to add the ability to change user IDs before us is like finding out your grandparents got Snapchat before you”
  • “‘1,2 Switch’ is both the name of a Nintendo Switch launch game, and the sound of someone counting the whole launch lineup”
  • “Mario Kart 8 has a mode where you can play with everyone who owns a Wii U. It is called ‘single player mode’”

On Final Fantasy XV:

  • “Final Fantasy XV is the fastest selling game in the franchise’s history, which is expected when you accumulate 10 years worth of pre-orders”
  • “Fun Fact: Ubisoft have released 15 different Assassin’s Creed games between the date Final Fantasy XV was first announced and its release.”
  • “The Final Fantasy XV release date has been leaked. This is the first time something related to FF XV has been completed ahead of schedule”
  • “We intend to show a Versus XIII trailer at the launch of every one of our consoles now”

On The Last Guardian:

  • “The reviews for The Last Guardian are out. The game is officially real! Err…what am I meant to tweet about now?”
  • “The Last Guardian was never really delayed. We just skipped the original release and went straight to the Remastered Edition.”
  • “We have to delay The Last Guardian again. A manufacturing error meant the disc included in the physical release was actually Half-Life 3.”
  • “The Last Guardian has gone gold! This is so shocking we had to take PSN offline to prove we are still the real Sony”


  • “Fans have been asking for a new Street Fighter Alpha, so Capcom decided to release Street Fighter V while it is still in Alpha”

  • “This is a photo of Hideo Kojima trying to get to The Game Awards before he was caught by Konami”

  • “Rise of the Tomb Raider is now exclusive to Xbox One. Square Enix clearly wants the game to be uncharted: as in, not entering the charts.”

  • “Konami will hold an E3 press conference to announce all the exciting games they plan to cancel”

  • “Don Mattrick to join Zynga. Farmville users will now have to connect to their game every 24 hours or their animals will be killed”

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / ORIGINAL ARTICLES / CEO Kaz Hirai Parody Says Goodbye: His Best Tweets

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