Far Cry 6 is filled with hidden secrets and easter eggs for you to discover. One of the more obscure secrets hidden in the game is the cemetery ghost. It is a tale of a husband who killed his wife while they grieved over the loss of their child.

Take a look at the map below. Head to Santo Amaro Cemetery. If you go during the day, you will find a note in the mausoleum that mentions a ghost appearing around the cemetery at night.

Once night rolls around, head back to the cemetery and enter the mausoleum. Read the note. When you go to leave, the ghost will make his appearance. He will block your way out. Pay attention to the ghost and you will see him point to his left.

Go outside and look in the direction the ghost pointed. You will see a grave that is glowing purple. Run over to it and the ghost will appear to be sobbing before disappearing. Read the note on the grave to find out that his wife left him and headed west to Casa Dario.

With that information on hand, head to Casa Dario. It can be found by following the map below.

When you arrive at Casa Dario, look around to find a strange symbol painted on the ground with a trail of blood leading to a well. A board is propped up on the well. On top of the board is a note from the man. It states that he killed his wife when he came here and witnessed her happy.

Shoot the boards covering the well and use the grappling point above to lower yourself down. At the bottom, you will see the remains of the woman and an Oku’s Idol. Honor the idol and the ghost will appear again, sobbing over the remains of his wife.