CD Projekt Red, the developer behind the popular Witcher franchise and Cyberpunk 2077, has announced a new title under its Witcher video game series today. The company has released a teaser poster for the game (see: header image) and also announced that it will be developed using Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 5 instead of its in-house REDEngine. So, let’s take a look at the details below.

After releasing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt back in 2015, CD Projekt Red has now announced the new Witcher game as a standalone title. It means that the game will not be a continuation of the previous title, and hence will not be called The Witcher 4.

CDPR also said that it will not only use Unreal Engine 5 to develop the Witcher game but also contribute to the development of the engine “as well as potential future versions of Unreal Engine, where relevant.” CD Projekt Red will also work with Unreal Engine developers to improve open-world gaming experiences. That said, the Red Engine will be used for the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 expansion.