The president of CD Projekt insists the company is not for sale. In an interview with Rzeczpospolita newspaper, Adam Kiciński, the president of CD Projekt, said they prefer to stay independent.

“We have been saying for years that we plan to remain independent and do not plan to become part of a larger entity. We are also not looking for a strategic investor.” Kiciński told the polish economy newspaper. When the interviewer asked if it is possible for another company to take over the CD Projekt Red, Adam Kiciński said “There are provisions that significantly hinder hostile takeovers.”

It was predictable that CD Projekt’s Red won’t be for sale since the company acquired the studio behind Flame in the Flood, The Molasses Flood, and the Vancouver-based studio, Digital Scapes, which is now called CD Projekt Red Vancouver.

The interviewer also asked Kiciński’s opinion on the studio’s latest title, Cyberpunk 2077. He responded:

Cyberpunk 2077 is the biggest, most ambitious, and definitely the most complicated project in our 27-year history. In almost every aspect, we tried to take it a step further, just as we’ve done with every Witcher game we’ve released. We’re proud of many aspects of the game, but as we know, not everything went our way. Nevertheless, the brand awareness of Cyberpunk that we’ve managed to build is huge, and the game universe, its characters, and details have fans all over the world.”

Cyberpunk 2077 suffered from many technical issues and the creators are doing their best to fix them. It is said the next update of the game will be released in 2022.

“As part of our strategy update, we announced more activity in the mergers and acquisitions area, which we confirmed in recent months with two transactions,” Kiciński told the Rzeczpospolita.

“We do not rule out more such transactions in the future. The purpose of our acquisitions is to strengthen our development teams and gain additional support in implementing our strategy,” Kiciński continued. “In this type of investment, we are most interested in experience and competence, and we attach great importance to whether the team fits into the culture of our group.”

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