Catherine O’Hara has reportedly signed on for Beetlejuice 2, the sequel to Tim Burton’s cult classic. This report comes courtesy of The Direct and claims that O’Hara is reprising her role of Delia Deetz and rejoining her former co-stars Michael Keaton and Winona Ryder. While a sequel to Beetlejuice has been tossed around as an idea since the late 1990s, the plans have never come to fruition. However, things are starting to look hopeful. It was revealed in March that Brad Pitt’s production company Plan B would produce Beetlejuice 2, and with Keaton, Ryder, and now O’Hara reportedly on board, it looks like the ghost with the most could be back from the dead soon.

Catherine O’Hara Returns as Delia Deetz in ‘Beetlejuice 2’

Catherine O’Hara has said for some time that she would be interested in doing Beetlejuice 2. She said in 2016, “I wish I could do it, but I haven’t heard anything. I met my husband (Bo Welch) on that movie. He designed the sets, so we would both love to be involved. But, like you, I keep hearing about it every once in a while, but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere. I don’t know. I’d love to see it. I’d love to be in it.”

Is Tim Burton Directing ‘Beetlejuice 2?’

While O’Hara’s reported casting seems to be pushing things forward, the question remains: will Tim Burton get on board to direct Beetlejuice 2? According to CBR, Burton addressed the topic at the 2022 Lumière Festival, saying, “I only know if I’m making a film when I’m actually on the set shooting. I try to go back to the root of everything. It springs from a seed and then it grows rather than out of these statements. I am working on ideas and things but it’s all very early days. We’ll see how it goes. How’s that for a none answer?”

Burton has been hard at work promoting his Netflix series Wednesday, which will be released on November 23rd. Time will tell what his future with Beetlejuice 2 looks like.