The gaming industry is on the rise in Canada. 23 million of all Canadians are gamers, and the growth only seems to increase.

The growth is mainly fueled by mobile gaming technology

The online gaming business is booming in Canada, thanks to mobile technology. 23 million Canadians are gamers, according to the Entertainment Software Association of Canada.

46% of Canadians say they play most games on mobile devices. The arrival of the 4G and 5G networks on smartphones has made online gaming accessible to almost everyone.

The 4th Generation Network is ideal for online gaming. It has significantly improved browsing speed and internet download. 4G networks help deliver lower pings, compared to 3g network, which results in a better online environment. Its bandwidth and Internet speed are second to only the newest generation, the 5G network.

The 4G network is 25 times faster than the 3G network, and it is available on most smartphones today. There is also the 5G network, which is the newest and fastest version of all networks. 5G network would make cloud gaming work effortlessly on portable devices without latency issues. With a 5G network, your consoles would be built into your portable devices.

5G would increase the number of online games available. Lag, which affects virtual reality on online games, would be eliminated, thereby allowing for an improved VR experience. The advent of 5G would bring to an end the traditional broadband we use today. Online gambling games would benefit tremendously from these fast-paced networks, thus boosting the economy via numerous players.

Online gambling is pushing the growth further

Online Casinos play a very vital role in the gaming industry. The land-based casinos are losing ground to high profile online casinos with more Canadians gambling online. Studies show that the Canadian online industry brings in an estimated $31 billion in gross revenue per year to Canada’s economy. The so-called online casino’s sites for Canadians contribute about $4billion to this estimated revenue.

The CGA released a report that revealed that legalized gambling generated $16.1 billion in 2019, and it provides employment to 182,500 full-time workers. Online gambling is booming because it’s convenient and cheaper; you could make your pay payment and withdrawal without leaving your home. Studies show that online casinos have 13% higher rewards compared to mortar and brick casinos. Canada currently has over 2000 gambling casino websites.

The annual growth of the gambling industry increased by 0.1% from 2014-2019. Large online gambling companies like Loto-Quebec’s Espacejeux online gambling site and increased customer spending have opened new opportunities for the industry. Provincial lottery games are quite popular in Canada. The Ontario Lottery & Gaming Authority in the fiscal year 2017/18 delivered a net profit of $2.49 billion.

Watching is new playing

Watching and betting on video games is getting quite popular in Canada. Twenty-three percent of Canadian players say they go online to watch people play video games. This trend plays a massive part in the emergence and popularity of eSports. It has got so popular that tournaments are organized based on games like Dota, which has a huge following.

The competitive nature of video games fuels the popularity of eSports games and how people bet on them. Canadians are really into Live betting due to the rise and popularity in eSports. Some Canadians claim that eSports are as important as traditional sporting events. Studies indicate that 65% of Canadians play and watch video games; 80 % of women make up the numbers.