Damage numbers were a prominent feature in later games in the Diablo series, such as Diablo 3, but can you turn damage numbers on in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Unfortunately, the answer is a solid no, as the remastered version of Diablo 2 does not feature damage numbers as an option for players to either turn on or off how they wish. Some argue the lack of damage numbers is most likely due to engine limitations and that the numbers will most likely cause too many performance issues with the game.

Although the potential performance issues argued to prevent floating text from being added were mainly for the original game.

Another side to the argument was that it was possible, and players even did it to the first game, and the first Diablo is older than time. Also, Diablo 2 Resurrected is a remaster, which makes it even more surprising that floating text wasn’t added as a feature.

Nonetheless, no matter which way you look at it, the fact remains that you can not turn floating text damage numbers on, and it’s unclear if the developers will add the feature in the future.

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