In Apex Legends, players can either solo queue or queue in a group of two to three players. While this makes sense for a gameplay standard, most players have more than just two friends. With the introduction of the new Limited Time Mode (LTM) Control, bigger in-match teams were introduced for the first time ever: The game is a 9V9. That said, the queue sizes have remained the same.

According to Karen Klee, aka kalyrical, the Senior Community Manager for Apex Legends: the way that queuing for Control works is that you can still only queue with a party of up to three players. On the back end, the queue works because three teams of three are made separately and only matched together for the actual game.

This disappointed many players who have been eager to queue in bigger groups, but not all hope is lost. In reply to a player on Twitter, Klee stated, “I hear you on the squadding up with more friends,” along with a smiley face emoji. The Apex Legends team is known to listen to player feedback on a lot of things, so perhaps there will be support for larger queue types or bigger parties in the future.

For more Apex Legends content, check out All login rewards for the Apex Legends third anniversary promotion on Pro Game Guides.