The Steam Deck is a handy device that lets you play games in your Steam library on the go. It’s Valve’s version of the Nintendo Switch, but not all games on Steam are capable of running on the Steam Deck. Tower of Fantasy is an ambitious open-world RPG for mobile devices and PC. Since Tower of Fantasy is already on mobile, does that mean the title is compatible with the Steam Deck?

Is Tower of Fantasy available on Steam?

At the time of this writing, Tower of Fantasy is not available on Steam. The game will launch on Steam in the fourth quarter of 2022, but you can place Tower of Fantasy on your Steam Wishlist right now. You will need around 25GB of free space on your hard drive to have the title installed on your PC, so make room. The game had its worldwide launch for iOS, Android, and PC on August 10. If you want to play the PC version, you need Windows on your PC. If you have Windows, head to the Tower of Fantasy website to download a link to play the game on your PC.

Can you play Tower of Fantasy on the Steam Deck?

Since Tower of Fantasy isn’t available on Steam, you can’t play the game on your Steam Deck at this moment. However, will Tower of Fantasy be compatible with the Steam Deck when the game launches on the service? Valve has shared the list of games that are playable on the Steam Deck, and there’s generally a verified icon next to the game on the Steam Deck to show it is playable. Tower of Fantasy has yet to be verified to work with the Steam Deck, but that could be because the game has yet to release on Steam.

The game is playable on most mobile devices, so it’s not unreasonable to assume the game can work on the Steam Deck. On the other hand, titles like Tower of Fantasy, which encompass a huge open world and elaborate gameplay, have a hard time working on the Steam Deck. We have to wait for Valve’s official confirmation.