An update from Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare gave players more than they bargained for, and not in a good way. An error message from the new patch threatened to delete everyone’s multiplayer progress.

The message informed players that their data was “corrupt or didn’t download properly.” As a result, they’d need to reset their rank and unlocks to solve the problem. It’s fair to say; this is every gamer’s worse nightmare.

Soon after the discovery fo the message, Infinity Ward issued a statement on Twitter. They advised users to hard close the game and click neither option. Of course, if you already had, this tweet would have been the last thing you’d have wanted to read.

They asked for the patience of the users while they worked at finding a fix to the issue. Subsequently, the message has been deleted by Infinity Ward, and it appears the problem was not as bad as it first seemed. However, for those who did hit click yes, they would see their stats in the combat record, leaderboards, custom classes, and operators reset.

Fortunately, everything else from unlocks, XP, ranks, and weapon progression survived. It seems likely users who fell victim to the bug will have only lost data from playing in the hour’s post reset.

In a post from Infinity Ward, they said: “You are still able to play the game as usual, and your progression will still track, but please be aware that once we do have a fix, we may have to roll back your stats to the state they were in prior to today’s update,”

“We’re actively working on a fix for this, but do not have one to deploy tonight.”

However, as Call of Duty gamers ask on Reddit, how did the message get through in the first place?