Welcome, Zane the Operative to the team. With just months left before the game’s release on the Epic Games store, Borderlands 3 gave fans a detailed look at the first of the four main characters with a new trailer and detailed abilities page.

The trailer description calls Zane a “semi-retired corporate hitman with decades of espionage under his belt and plenty of gadgets up his sleeve.” And it shows in the video. In the video below, Zane sits at a bar, talking to an unseen listener, describing his life in very bland terms compared to reality. After establishing a background, it continues with a description of himself, paired with shots showing off his in-game skills.

The video wasn’t the only treat today. Borderlands 3 also gave us a link to all of his abilities on their website via Twitter. There’s a lot of impressive skills in the operative’s arsenal, most notably his ability to tank with a barrier and equip two active skills thanks to his Double Agent passive. Regardless of what skills you pick, that passive is amazing.

The Borderlands franchise delights with top-notch writing and well-timed, sometimes crude, humor. And guns. Let’s not forget the guns. The unique visuals and animation styles lend perfectly to a comic book feel that sets the entire series apart. A series worth playing, especially with friends where many shenanigans can be had (especially if a friend accidentally unlocks an ability that enables friendly fire from your healers. Hilarity ensues, believe me).

Zane the Operative is #Borderlands3’s resident tech expert. With his Doubled Agent, Hitman, and Under Cover skill trees, there are many ways to main Zane. #LetsMakeSomeMayhem

Learn more about Zane’s skill trees: https://t.co/K3FyGgWcJF pic.twitter.com/IpQnVYRKiK

— Borderlands 3 (@Borderlands) July 30, 2019

Zane is the first character to have a full-page and trailer. As we near the release of Borderlands 3, we will likely see more trailers and abilities. Borderlands 3 will be available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on September 13.