Get ready for some brand new mayhem.

Gearbox Software took to the PAX East stage today to finally confirm what we have all been waiting for, Borderlands 3. Randy Pitchford and company have been endlessly tormenting us with photos on Twitter as well as the teaser trailer they released yesterday. It all boiled down to this moment where, at long last, the developers unveiled the brand new trailer for the game, and it’s absolutely glorious.

The trailer itself is a bundled mess of destruction and guns blazing, basically everything we expect from Borderlands. All of the lovable characters return to the series, including fan favorites Tiny Tina and Claptrap. Of course this wouldn’t be a Borderlands game without tons of guns, and the trailer promises over 1 billion of them. Some locations were also showcased such as vast deserts, cities, and some swamp like areas. In addition, the trailer also stated that we would be able to travel to other planets. We also got a glimpse of the two new villains, and they certainly look the part.

All of the four playable Vault Hunters are brand new to the series, and each one brings something unique to the table. One of them is a very buff Siren that can deploy multiple arms that are buff as well. Another younger hunter can use a special summon to bring out her mech that other players may or may not be able to pilot themselves, while the elderly male hunter can use a special gadget to deploy a decoy version of himself. The last hunter appears to be a robot and can fight alongside their pet animals.

No release date or platform was revealed for Borderlands 3, but the developers did promise that more information would be revealed on April 3, which is the same day that Borderlands:Game of the Year Edition launches. You can check out the reveal trailer here:

  • This article was updated on April 25th, 2019

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Borderlands 3 Officially Announced

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