Our Borderlands 3 Characters List Guide features a full look at all of the new and revealed character classes that are coming to the game! Borderlands 3 is getting a new batch of options to try, so you’ll want to have a good idea what each of them can do prior to making your choice.


Amara is kind of your melee-ish class where you want to get into the fray and get your hands dirty. She largely revolves around using her fist abilities to pound the ground or lock an enemy out of the battle.

Gifted with powerful Siren abilities, Amara is a renowned champion of the people and bonafide badass. Using her action skills she can Phaseslam the ground to damage nearby enemies and knock them into the air, Phasegrasp enemies in place with a giant ethereal fist, or even Phasecast an astral projection of herself that deals damage to everything in its path.

Action Skills

  • Phasecast - Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path. Phasegrasp - Amara summons a giant fist that bursts from the ground and locks the targeted enemy in place for a few seconds. Some enemies are immune to being Grasped and instantly take damage instead. Phaseslam - Amara leaps into the air and Slams the ground, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and knocking them up.

You can build your Amara skill tree ahead of the release on the Borderlands website!


FL4K is your pet/hunter type of class who has a pet that will tank enemies for you. You can utilize this pet to deal damage to enemies and give yourself and team some buffs. FL4K also has stealth potential, and can go into the shadows with the Fade Away action skill. This ability allows you to go invisible, take three shots while cloaked, where each shot is a Critical Hit. Not only that, while you are cloaked you will have increased movement speed and health regeneration!

FL4K is a wandering robot who always brings one of their three loyal pets into battle to buff stats and attack enemies. Their action skills let them send forth dive-bombing Rakk, teleport Gamma Burst-irradiated pets through rifts, and even Fade Away to temporarily become invisible while moving faster and regenerating health.

  • Fade Away - FL4K cloaks, turning invisible. FL4K can fire 3 shots while cloaked, and each shot is automatically a Critical Hit. While cloaked, FL4K has increased Movement Speed and Health Regeneration. Rakk Attack! - FL4K sends forward 2 Rakk to dive-bomb enemies. This skill has multiple charges. Gamma Burst - FL4K creates a Rift at a target location, teleporting their pet through the Rift and dealing Radiation Damage to nearby enemies. Additionally, FL4K’s pet becomes irradiated, growing in size and dealing bonus Radiation Damage when it attacks. Using Gamma Burst while FL4K’s Pet is downed or dead will revive the pet at the targeted location with 30% of its health, but will double Action Skill Cooldown Time.

You can build your FL4K skill tree ahead of the release on the Borderlands website!


Moze is more of your tanky class due to her having access to a huge mech that is similar in style to D.Va’s from Overwatch. She is different in that she can have two action skills equipped at one time. You can equip various different weaponry to your suit, which makes her a bit more versatile.

Moze is a battle-hardened former Vladof army soldier who specializes in mechanized combat. She uses an action skill to digistruct and climb into her bipedal tank, Iron Bear, which has hardpoints suitable for mixing, matching, and mounting high-velocity Railguns, rapid-firing Miniguns, semi-automatic Grenade Launchers, flamethrowers, pneumatic fists, and homing rocket launchers.

  • Railgun - The Railgun fires electrified high-velocity projectiles that deal Shock Damage. Bear Fist - The Bear Fist is a pneumatic-driven fist that deals massive damage to a single target at close range. Minigun - The Minigun is capable of sustained rapid fire. Firing for long periods causes the Minigun to overheat, rendering it inoperable for a few seconds. Salamander - The Salamander is a flamethrower that deals Incendiary Damage to enemies at close range. Though the Salamander has infinite ammo, it drains Fuel with use. V-35 Grenade Launcher - The V-35 is a semi-automatic grenade launcher. Its grenades are not affected by Moze’s equipped grenade mod. Vanquisher Rocket Pod - The Vanquisher Rocket Pod is a rocket launcher capable of rapid-firing volleys of unguided explosive rockets.

You can build your Moze skill tree ahead of the release on the Borderlands website!


Zane is a bit of a mix of classes, he has access to pet like abilities that power up his drone. He can also deploy a barrier that will help shield your teammates from harm, you can also fire through this barrier which makes it great for taking on multiple enemies in open space. He also has a clone, this is similar to Zer0 from Borderlands 2 and operates similarly. Zane can also equip two action skills like Moze.

Born into Pandora’s notorious Flynt family, Zane is a semi-retired corporate hitman who always has a gadget up his sleeve. His action skills include a SNTNL drone that flys around and attacks enemies with a machine gun, a deployable Barrier shield, and a Digi-Clone that simultaneously distracts enemies and dishes out damage and which Zane can teleport to switch places with.

  • Digi-Clone - Spawn a Digi-Clone of Zane. This Clone stays in place, but distracts and fires at enemies. Pressing F or G while the Clone is active causes Zane and the Clone to swap places. SNTNL - Send into battle an automated SNTNL drone that continually flies through the environment and attacks enemies with its Machine Guns. Pressing F or G while SNTNL is active causes it to attack the enemy under Zane’s crosshairs, if any. Barrier - Drop a deployable Barrier that blocks incoming projectiles. Zane and his allies can shoot through the Barrier, dealing increased Gun Damage. Pressing F or G while Barrier is active picks up and holds the Barrier, but the size and bonuses are decreased.

You can build your Zane skill tree ahead of the release on the Borderlands website!