If you’re looking for all of the new legendary weapons that can be found in Borderlands 3’s new Bounty of Blood DLC then you’ve come to the right place! There’s currently 22 known new weapons that you can farm from various named enemies that can be found in different locations across the map. These weapons are going to be some of the most powerful guns in the game, so you will be needing to hunt these down quite a bit, and our list of them all should help target your focus on where to farm them.

All Bounty Of Blood Legendaries List

It’s important to note that all but the three boss legendaries are also world drops. That means they can drop from any enemies or chests you open. However, the named enemy that is listed with the weapon is a way you can target your farming. If you kill that particular enemy over and over again, you will very likely come across the legendary you are looking to get. So, you can either get lucky and run into a weapon you might want to use, or you can focus on one particular mob and hope it gets you the roll you are looking to utilize.

Ashfall Peaks

  • Complex Root (Sniper Rifle) - Lani Dixon Contained Blast (Assault Rifle) - Abbadoxis Narp (Sniper Rifle) - Haddon Marr Robin’s Call (Shotgun) - Garriden Loch BOSS Only: Stonethrower (Assault Rifle) - Kormash

Bloodsun Canyon

  • Beacon (Pistol) - Jerrick Logan Flipper (SMG) - Minosaur Gargoyle (Pistol) - Dickon Goyle Unkempt Harold (Pistol) - Caber Dowd BOSS Only: Miscreant (Pistol) - The Quartermaster

Obsidian Forest

  • Chandelier (Shotgun) - Bellik Primis Frequency (Shotgun) - Lectrikor Light Show (Pistol) - Lasodactyl Proprietary License (SMG) - Hydragoian Spade (Shotgun) - Waylon Hurd

The Blastplains

  • Brightside (Shotgun) - Bronsons Dowsing Rod (Assault Rifle) - Pterodomini Mother Too (SMG) - Slithermaw Plumage (RPG) - Wrendon Esk Satisfaction (RPG) - Vorducken The Blanc (Pistol) - Ipswitch Dunne

Crater’s Edge

  • BOSS Only: Bloom (Pistol) - The Ruiner

If you want to check out a great video that shows off all the legendaries and where exactly you need to go to find them, then take a look at DPJ’s cataloging of all of the new weapons: