Gearbox Software, the developers responsible for Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Duke Nuke’Em Forever, and numerous other games had previously been approached by Activision to do a Call of Duty game. While many might have jumped at the opportunity to work on the biggest franchise in gaming, Pitchford and company declined on the offer.
In a recent interview, Pitchford explained the rationale behind turning down the opportunity.
“I think to deliver the Call of Duty that people want, you have to play by the rules of the series. You have to do what is expected of a Call of Duty. So I see no real challenge for us. It wouldn’t strengthen our reputation as a studio, and it wouldn’t be really motivating for our team,” said Pitchford to the Krawall Gaming Network.
Gearbox has proven their FPS chops with their release of Borderlands 2 in fall of 2012, and look to cement that legacy with Aliens: Colonial Marines later this year. With the type of success that the Borderlands franchise has seen over the last year, don’t look for Pitchford and company to be developing a Call of Duty spin-off any time soon.
Later this week, Borderlands 2 players will get another round of DLC with Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt set to arrive on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.
- This article was updated on February 20th, 2018
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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Borderlands 2 developer turned down Call of Duty job